In an unfortunate tragedy that left the city in deep crisis, massive gas explosions hit the city of Kaohsiung in Taiwan on July 31st. The explosions incurred enormous damage both to the lives of city dwellers and the area’s infrastructure, claiming approximately 30 lives, injuring hundreds, and negatively impacting an estimated 84,000. The city continues to be in a state of rehabilitation, and the Taiwan public has responded with a tremendous outpouring of generosity.
To contribute to the continuous recovery of the city, iRush Help has formed the “Kaohsiung Taiwan 2014” program. iRush Help was originally created to provide an avenue where concerned individuals can “rush to help” survivors of natural disasters, and new programs are created when tragedies of great magnitude arise.
Interush Affiliates and concerned individuals may now send in their donations. To increase the impact of the program on those in need, Interush will match donations from Interush Affiliates until September 30, 2014.
“Taiwan desperately needs aid at this time and iRush Help is open to those who would like to help,” said Martin Matthews, Chairman and CEO of Interush, Inc. “We all must work to spread awareness and increase involvement, so that Kaohsiung may be able to rebuild the lives of the survivors in the aftermath of this tragedy.”
“Kaohsiung Taiwan 2014” proceeds will be transferred to the Social Affairs Bureau, an organization of the Kaohsiung City Government that runs welfare programs for children, teens, women and seniors, as well as social assistance and community development programs. As of August 4, the bureau has received 9,000 donations from a variety of large groups, including major corporations, governmental organizations, religious groups and concerned entertainers.
To express gratitude and appreciation to those who provide assistance, Interush will also give out iRush Help Shirts to the first 1,000 affiliates worldwide who send donations by September 30, 2014.