July 13, 2010 Bryn Mawr, Pa. The BRGR Joint, a new Bryn Mawr restaurant was recently featured in a live CBS news report. The popular eatery founded in 2009 by three buddies that share a passion for ‘Hamburgers, Tattoos and Pirates’ features the OMG burger challenge where customers and hard core burger fanatics can build a hamburger with up to 11 patties on one bun. A customer named Doug took up the challenge and attempted to consume a burger with 11 patties, 110 pieces of cheese and 23 pieces of bacon. The owners stated that the burger contained over three pounds of meat.
Unfortunately Doug could not eat the whole burger in the time allotted for the special report. Owners Scott Bicksler and RJ Freiwald told CBS 3 News that some customers require up to an hour or more to consume the massive OMG burger. Both owners stated that they have finished the massive burger in 7 minutes and 30 seconds improbable as it may seem. The BRGR Joint is locally owned and operated and features an extensive selection of burgers. For the health conscious there are turkey burgers and vegetarians are sure to enjoy the bean burger. The BRGR Joint is located in the heart of Bryn Mawr and has become a popular dining spot in less than a year and offers late night dining on weekends. The BRGR is conveniently located near several colleges including Bryn Mawr, Villanova, Haverford, Harcum and Rosemont. Everyone is welcome to take the OMG burger challenge at the BRGR Joint.