Caesar sighted the reason for doing so as a repugnant response to the Druidic practice of human sacrifice and that he wanted to put a stop to it. This, from a people who indulged themselves in the daily spectacle of human sacrifice for mere entertainment, is somewhat hypocritical. A much more probable reason for wanting to wipe out Druidism in Europe was that it was neiher nationalistic, nor did it subscribe to the the notion of imperialism; fundamental twin tenets of its oppressor.
category history
The Romans, however, never conquered Ireland and so Irish Druidism enjoyed some 600 years of uninterrupted development, allowing Ireland to flourish and develop into a civilized and learned country, away from European influence. A central feature of Irish Druidism was its sophisticated and equitable law system. It was a system which was dispensed and regulated by Brehons who adjudicated over everyone from the king down to the lowliest person. There were no police or jails and it was amazing just how well Ireland ran itself. Irish Brehons were a very learned class and spent anything up to twenty years studying and perfecting their chosen profession which could be as a religious, a scientist, mathematician, magician, practicioner of the law or engineering to mention just a few of the fields the could opt to master. This learned class in fact also formed the ultimate authority both spiritually and temporally within early Irish Celtic society.
James scurrah marbella
22 clandrool terrace bandon cork ireland
Tell: 00353 8702263