America’s Legal Group has begun offering consultations and services to assist homeowners in keeping their most valuable possession.
Addressing the financial crisis that many homeowners are now facing, America’s Legal Group has begun providing services to many in dire straits and in danger of losing their homes to foreclosure; the loan modification program at ALG provides assistance in the process of seeking and negotiating a home loan modification so that the terms of the loan are more fitting to the financial capabilities of the borrower. “By taking advantage of a mortgage modification, a homeowner can work out terms that will allow them to save their home and avoid a total devastation of their credit rating,” says the general manager of ALG.
“There are countless families that are losing their homes even as we speak, and many of them have no idea whatsoever that there are some options available to them to get things stabilized. With a mortgage modification, the average person can renegotiate the terms of their loan – as long as they can show that the new terms are solidly doable for them. What a lot of people fail to realize, is that their bank or finance company is not waiting with baited breath to take over their home. On the contrary, the lenders want cash – not another house on their books; they want cash-flow – not a foreclosed property that may not sell for quite some time in this market (while costing them certain carrying cost each and every month).
“Home loan modifications have been used for some time to get mortgage terms adjusted to numbers that can work for both sides. Many foreclosures have been done simply because of a change in household expense (beyond the homeowner’s control) or a change in the homeowner’s income level – due to corporate downsizing or job displacement. As long as there is an acceptable level of income into the household; it’s likely that we can assist the homeowner in going through the process of having the lender reevaluate their ability to repay the loan with slightly altered terms. By working with us, a homeowner gains what they did not have before – someone on their side and a real chance at keeping their home.”
About America’s Legal Group:
Dedicated to Providing Mortgage Solutions
We are dedicated to providing solutions to homeowners experiencing trouble with their mortgage. We negotiate with lenders and creditors to find solutions that will reduce your monthly expenses and allow you to keep your home. During the process we will keep you informed, engaged and moving toward an early resolution.
Our Experience is Something You Can Count On
Our attorneys have over 18 years combined experience in the Mortgage and Real Estate industry. We have helped thousands of homeowners achieve and maintain homeownership with solutions that reduce mortgage debt.
Rely on Our Loan Modification Specialists’ Reputation
Our excellent relationships and reputation with lenders and creditors throughout the U.S. allow us to achieve the best results possible for our clients. Lenders are willing to work with us and find solutions that put you in a stable financial position.